

Sapolina Studio was created as an extended part of my Sapolina soapmaking journey. There are so many aspects behind the scenes of living a healthier lifestyle and self care in general that are worth sharing.

I began making soap a decade ago, out of neccessity at first but it soon became my passion, artistic outlet and business, even though it has nothing to do with my profession. As a curious person who always asks questions, I learned a lot not only about soapmaking but also about changing perspectives, ways of thinking and doing things. One question led to another, skincare issues led me to searching for root causes for example, and along the way I discovered so many life themes that are unbelievably interconnected. All of this helped me to overcome many serious life challenges in a healthier way, to change mindset and use helpful tools.

My intention is to inspire you to do your own research, just as I did, and never give up! It has nothing to do with your age or the stage you are at, it is about your willingness to be open to change for better.

I invite you to join our community and sign up for a monthly newsletter where I share more experiences, the latest news and recommendations. Welcome!


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